I Got The Middle Of The Week Blahs
Here I am, on a rainy, cold and generally, miserable night trying to put my thoughts together after the Clinton squeaker in NH last night. I guess that the best way to describe my opinion of that win is with the old Navy addage, Shit Floats.
It's not that I don't like Hillary as a person, I really have nothing inside that draws me towards her. I feel, that if she were to be elected president, justice would not be served. Herr George and the rest of these mainiacal bastards who have destroyed the country of my birth's reputation, integrety, honesty, and decency, would be excused and all the evil deeds done to each and every one of us and to the world would go unpunished. I don't give a rat's ass about the law of today, it is only there to protect the very wealthy or the well connected. If you are a ordinary person, a blue collar worker or just part of the masses, your ass is on the line. Each and every person who served in the military, took an oath to uphold and defend the constitution, and to protect the country from all enemies, Foreign AND Domestic. I have now been out of the Military (active duty) for over thirty three years. I still have not forgot the oaths I took each time I shipped over. I believe in Honor. And, without justice there is NO HONOR. From my position as a Dual Citizen, I feel shame each and every time I am called an American. The entire world doesn't trust us. Why should they? We have been fed, and are still being fed, a pack of lies. The United States is hypocritical in it's dealings with it's citizens. You history has been made up by a cabal of Racist White People who preach tolerance, humanity, goodness, and then eradicate entire populations of other nations, tribes, kingdoms and peoples just for the benefit of a very few. This has been going on since the founding of the country and before. I don't know the why of this abominable plan, but I do know for a fact that the above is true. We killed thousands of Native Americans, Took the Kingdom of Hawaii, The Islands of the Philippines, Guam, and other Pacific Islands in our quest for domination and still to this day, are on the same immoral path.
It sort of makes a person want to puke!
Nuff Said
'Ua feruri maoro vau i teinei!
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