Medevacs make for a long weekend

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Here, it is just a few minutes before 09:00 and just got off the phone with my daughter who will be leaving for Paris tonight from Papeete. She is going on a Medevac Flight with my adopted grandson Avearii. He is actually my nephew, but the Tahitians have an old system much like the American Indians or the Hawaiians where they adopt family members from other family members. Sometimes it is the fact that the real parents cannot afford another child, sometimes it is the idea that a child will do better with another part of the family. Perhaps it is the education, the upbringing, or any number of things, but they all work and work very well.
Avearii was diagnosed last week with a type of blood cancer, he came down with blue spots all over his body, went into convulsions and was first in our hospital on Raiatea then moved to the main hospital in Papeete, now that he has regained some strength and is in good enough shape to go to Paris, they are moving him tonight. His real mom, my sister in law, several uncles and my daughter and her family are all in Papeete today and I am asking everyone who knows me even from my blog to please think good thoughts... Not much on miracles or things, but good thoughts wouldn't hurt...
The flight from Papeete to Paris is right around 24 hours, and I won't hear anything until Sunday nite or Monday morning... Gots all my fingers and toes crossed....
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