
After all the work, the worries and the scramble to try to keep him with us, Avearii passed away..
I have been in a downward spiral, totally out of control since I learned of his falling into a coma and passing away.. I have been blaming myself for not being there for him and my family in their time of need. Ave, was actually my nephew who was raised by my daughter and her husband. He was an island boy, raised in the Tahitian traditions, a gentle lad, polite to the extreme and a joy to be with. He and my grandson Vaihi were like twins, inseparable and never caused a problem for anyone. I wanted a better photo than this, but it is the only one I have of him that is new.
He returned to Raiatea and home (hospitalized), but we had Skype and I talked to him daily up until he fell into a coma and passed on. Funny thing about the whole deal, was he looked like he was going to make it until the early morning of his death when he fell into a coma and never came out of it... At the very least, he was with family when he died. He had all his brothers, and cousins and aunties and uncles there at the very end...
My life is in shambles, and I know not which way to turn, and whom to turn to... I only wish that it could have been me instead of him... At least, there is no more pain and he will live in my mind as long as I am alive. One of these days in the not too distant future I will also part the curtain and step through into eternity... The very atoms of my being will be returned to the earth to become star dust and the building blocks for another world, another sun, and possibly another intelligent being...
I have waited over two weeks to post, and this is coming out lousy... I wanted to tell you of his life, short as it was, his aspirations and hopes. I feel honored to have known him and been his grandfather/uncle.... He like all grandkids, made my life brighter and worth living. I still have two others, so I am fortunate in that. It's just that I feel so out of sorts over the passing of one, and guilty of not being there for the family in their need.
Labels: Avearii's Gone, My Grief Remains