Friday, March 31, 2006
Heres a song by a local artist from Cottage Grove OR, that has some really nice stuff out there... Since I only have it here, I thought that I would stick it up afore Chuck puts up another one of his songs...
The lad's name is Ben Bochner and if you google him you will see he has a following and a website with some free stuff that is really good...
Doin a lot of posts just to keep all you critters happy, 'sides I gonna miss your dulcet posts fer a few days...
Had to throw up another shanty just for all the good folks.. Don't want to leave you without a word of farewell, and besides I am trying to keep up with Chuck and his fine site...
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Dooo Dooo Doo Do Lookin Out My Back Door!

Tryin to get a photo up here and not getting what I want... goin back... Damn it's hell gettin old cain't chew gum and walk...
Mod, I like this old salty song a lot... Think that you will also...
This is Gove Scrivenor, Google him, he is one fine singer and musician... He has 2 old vinyl's out and 2 possibly 3 CD's now...
I like this un a whole lot, as being an old chief is sorta indicitive to do... Got a whole bunch more, but guess you gonna need to getcher own. (grin).
Don't fergit dammit! The door's always open and there will be a hammock with your name on it just waitin...
Aloha to you and all the vets out there, if you are like the ones in these brothers blogs, you welcome... Remember the fishing is fine as frog's hair down in Paradise
Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Brenda this is especially for you.. Aloha Ia Oe, my cousin... May your music and grace only grow and benefit us all...
Gabby the legend, the master of the slack key guitar, Gabby, Feets, Atta, Barney, Moe, Sonny, they're all gone now, and I have lost friends, who welcomed this haole boy into their midst, and taught me about music, about culture and most of all taught me the meaning of Aloha. Aunty Alice Namakelua who, even as an octogenarian, would grace me with her presence and wit on my radio show, chide me gently about my mangeling of the Hawaiian language and play for me and Hawaii her compositions of songs long forgotton by the public, and on occasions would telephone me at the studio to correct me on some incorrect statement I made. She called me her haole boy and taught me the island ways and told me the stories of the Monarchy that she, herself had known up close and personal.. All of these great Hawaiian people, passed the torch to the younger Hawaiians, to the Makaha Sons, the Hui O'Hana, The Beamer Brothers, Olomana, Da Trio and countless others who were idolizing the masters and trying their very best to emulate them and learn what the elders knew and had learned from elders before them. These Hawaiians who in my time were the youngsters, are now the Kuupuna, the ones carrying the load and teaching again a new generation of young to carry the Aloha Spirit and the traditions of Hawaii... To all the parents and grandparents, I salute you.. You all did a very superb job.. Hawaii and Hawaiiana will live on.. Thank you Hawaii, for giving me humanity and humility.. For placing my feet on the Path to Havaiki Nui and for opening the door and making me o'hana..
Maruru Roa

Olomana, one of the greatest duets to have been around during the 70's composed and compiled this hauntingly beautiful melody that makes my soul soar everytime I listen to it... I have uploaded a photo to go along with it as I think this photo epitomizes the islands of Polynesia in all it's beauty.
This was taken from the northwest corner of Raiatea in the area called Uturere.
This is in rememberance of another war based on lies and fought by men and women who had an average age of 19 years young.
This was my war, Mods war, I believe Gordons War and so many others... We all have mates with names on this wall..
Fools NEVER learn, nor do they pay the price..
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Got A Real Bad Case Of Channel Fever

Bora Bora, Michner's pearl of the pacific...
The major problem with Bora today is the fact that greed has run totally amok.. Too many hotels, too little roads, and too much modernization.. Water used to come from wells, but as in all pacific Islands the fresh water floats on top of the salt water underneath the island and with more use the sea water moves up to take the place of the fresh water that has been removed..
That fresh water lens is now broken, and all water on Bora that is potable is done by reverse osmosis plants on the island... Ain't Progress Wonderful???
Goin home in 4 days, and sorta sittin around getting a little in the mood.. Usually this song brings a sadness and longing to my thoughts, but today thinking about warm lagoons, blue skies, and my Vahine... I got a real case of warm fuzzies....
Monday, March 27, 2006
A slack key song written by one of my best friends brother... A song about leaving a town in the high desertt country of Central Oregon..
I was born in this town and said farewell to it back in the late 40's as a young boy...
Sunday, March 26, 2006
My Very First Blog...
In all the time that I have owned this blog, I haven't had the time, nor the courage to start Posts here and will be using this while I am home on Raiatea (Havaiki Nui) to feed information on the goings on in Paradise...
I have a few blogger friends who are good at this thing, and hope to be picking their brains and common sense to make this a "Watering Hole" that will feed the Senses.
Maruru Roa